왜 내 클라우드 기능을 제공하는 오류가(CloudFirestore 와 ForOf 루프)?



내능 getDocuments()요약에서 구성되어 있다는 점에서 통과에서 매개 변수를 배열(같은 경로는 이름의 문서 내가 원하는 경우 섹션에서 그것에 의해 부분)에 기반으로 하는 배열을 반환합의 콘텐츠를 각각의 문서를 통해 루프(ForOf)함수는 내가 그것보다는 더 저장하는 나에게 너무 많은 라인의 코드를 문제가 있다는 것입니다 그것은 항상 나에게 오류가 발생하는 내가 그것이 무엇인지 모르겠습니다.

당신이 나를 도울 수 있습니까? 하십시오

클라우드 기능

export const employees = functions.https.onRequest((request, response) => {
corsHandler(request, response, async () => {
    return await security.securityLayer(
        { _definedMethod: "GET", userValue: request.method },
        { _definedType: true, _definedLevel: [4], _definedSeconds: 12, userToken: request.header("_token") },
        { required: false },
        { required: false }
    ).then(async (answer) => {
        if (answer.status === 400 || answer.status === 401) {
            return response.status(answer.status).send(answer);

        return await security.getDocuments([
            { collection: "Core/", documentName: "Centers", options: { idReturn: "centros", nestedProperties: [] } },
                collection: "Core/", documentName: "Employees", options: {
                    idReturn: "personal",
                    nestedProperties: [
                          { idReturn: "employees", name: "employee" },
                          { idReturn: "submanager", name: "submanager" },
                          { idReturn: "manager", name: "manager" }
        ], SPECIAL_CODE).then((documents) => response.status(documents.status).send(documents))
            .catch(() => response.status(500).send(security.error500(SPECIAL_CODE, 2)));
    }).catch(() => response.status(500).send(security.error500("SPECIAL_CODE", 1)));

비동기 기능

export async function getDocuments(
documents: {
    collection: string,
    documentName: string,
    options: {
        idReturn: string,
        nestedProperties: {
            idReturn: string,
            name: string
code: string):
Promise<{ status: 201, code: string, subcode: number, devDescription: string, data: any }> {
const data: any = {};
const response: { devDescription: string, subcode: number } = { devDescription: "The document was found and retrieved successfully.", subcode: 1 };

if (documents.length > 1) {
    response.devDescription = "Documents were found and obtained successfully.";
    response.subcode = 2;

for (const iterator of documents) {
    const docRef = { path: iterator.collection, name: iterator.documentName };
    const options = { id: iterator.options.idReturn, nestedProperties: iterator.options.nestedProperties };
    const doc = await database.collection(docRef.path).doc(docRef.name).get();

    if (!doc.exists) {
        data[options.id] = "The document " + docRef.name + " does not exist in the specified path: " + docRef.path;

        if (documents.length === 1) {
            response.devDescription = "The document was not found. Check the DATA for more information.";
            response.subcode = 3;
        } else {
            response.devDescription = "One, several or all documents were not found. Check the DATA for more information.";
            response.subcode = 3;
    } else {
        const docData: any = doc.data();
        if (options.nestedProperties.length === 0) {
            data[options.id] = docData;
        } else {
            for (const nested of options.nestedProperties) {
                data[options.id][nested.idReturn] = _.get(docData, nested.name);

return { status: 201, code: code, subcode: response.subcode, devDescription: response.devDescription, data: data };
firebase javascript node.js typescript
2021-11-23 20:10:26

최고의 응답


내가 조사를 하고 나는 오류의 원인은 무엇이었을 명백하게 루프(ForOf)를 해결하기 위해,그것은 내가 사용하는 약속입니다.모든()방법,그래서 실제 작동하는 코드가 나를 위해 다음

export async function getDocuments(
documents: {
    collection: string,
    documentName: string,
    path?: string,
    options: {
        idReturn: string,
        nestedProperties: {
            idReturn: string,
            name: string
code: string):
Promise<{ status: number, code: string, subcode: number, devDescription: string, data: any }> {
const idPrimary: any = Object.values(
    documents.reduce((c: any, v: any) => {
        const k = v.options.idReturn;
        c[k] = c[k] || [];
        return c;
    }, {})
).reduce((c: any, v: any) => (v.length > 1 ? c.concat(v) : c), []);

if (idPrimary.length > 0) {
    return {
        status: 400, code: code, subcode: 0, data: idPrimary,
        devDescription: "Some return IDs are repeated, check your code and replace the return IDs with unique IDs, for more information see the DATA section." };

const response: { devDescription: string, subcode: number } = { devDescription: "The document was found and retrieved successfully.", subcode: 1 };
const queries = [];

if (documents.length > 1) {
    response.devDescription = "Documents were found and obtained successfully.";
    response.subcode = 2;

documents.map((document) => {
    if (document.path === undefined) {
        document.path = document.collection + "/" + document.documentName;

for (const iterator of documents) {

return Promise.all(queries).then((snapShot) => {
    const data: any = {};
    snapShot.forEach((doc) => {
        const docProperties = documents.find((item) => item.path === doc.ref.path) ?? null;

        if (!doc.exists) {
            if (docProperties !== null) {
                data[docProperties.options.idReturn] = "The document " + doc.id + " does not exist in the specified path: " + doc.ref.path;

                if (documents.length === 1) {
                    response.devDescription = "The document was not found. Check the DATA for more information.";
                    response.subcode = 3;
                } else {
                    response.devDescription = "One, several or all documents were not found. Check the DATA for more information.";
                    response.subcode = 3;
        } else {
            if (docProperties !== null) {
                const docData: any = doc.data();
                if (docProperties.options.nestedProperties.length === 0) {
                    data[docProperties.options.idReturn] = docData;
                } else {
                    data[docProperties.options.idReturn] = {};
                    for (const nested of docProperties.options.nestedProperties) {
                        if (nested.name === undefined) {
                            data[docProperties.options.idReturn][nested.idReturn] = _.get(docData, nested.idReturn);
                        } else {
                            data[docProperties.options.idReturn][nested.idReturn] = _.get(docData, nested.name);
    return { status: 201, code: code, subcode: response.subcode, devDescription: response.devDescription, data: data };
2021-11-24 16:18:55

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